About Us

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Latinos against La Raza racism and cultural insensitivity toward the USA. Many Latinos within our community suffer from the idea that we are victims. As a result, we love to cry racism, our most popular attack toward anyone non-Hispanic. Ironically, we then become highly sensitive and loudly defensive when our very own racist, ethno-centric ideology is publicized. Education and freeing ourselves from victimhood will strengthen our community. Visit our site and watch the educational videos: http://www.youtube.com/user/LaRazaRacism

Saturday, August 7, 2010

Nun Killed by Twice-Convicted Illegal Immigrant Drunk Driver, Surprise!

Notice how my pro-Latino comrades are suspiciously quiet about this story and all the other crimes just like it. Hmmmm. What's going on with the pro-Latino mafia? Be sure to ask them!